Cris Cab - Echo Boom Lyrics (Ft. Pharrell Williams)

Echo Boom Lyrics by Cris Cab Ft. Pharrell Williams

The moment we started
What was our portrait
There was walls to keep us sitting in one place
We were the artist we painted them bright
Create the unity is larger than time and space
The generation of the let’s go let’s go
Will conquer everything under the stars
No hesitation when we echo echo in the
Everybody knows just who we are

When I was 17 I had dreams like a king
Come into America but I was just a jerk off
.. D hell yeah I had my chart off
I talk to the white bitches I used to rock …
Multi color fans we painted multicultural pictures
.. watch them echo lie my …I remember his dad
.. I am like this bad he got my DNA going
.. that’s who I breed it them
A new breed ….

The generation of the let’s go let’s go
Will conquer everything under the stars
No hesitation when we echo echo in the
Everybody knows just who we are

Cris Cab - Echo Boom Lyrics (Ft. Pharrell Williams)
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