JT Music Ft. Andrea Storm Kaden - Training Montage Lyrics

Training Montage Lyrics by JT Music Ft. Andrea Storm Kaden

There comes a day to separate the boys from men
No time for games, you'll take the world into your hands
There comes a day to step outside and find your passion
But if Cyberpunk finally comes out that'll never happen

Feels like a lifetime has passed me by with my potential
(And I've been inside for months)
Through Trialand Tribulation I wait in meditation in my temple
(For I know that I'm the one)
My hair is ever greying as I countdown the hours
And I watch my mirror age me with the clock tick-tockin' louder
How I've been waitin' time's a wastin' tears of mine have showered
From the eye of the tiger I have the power
I'm a Rockerboy by trade, but a Samurai at heart
Now crank up this synthwave, it's time to start my

Training montage, I'm gettin' psyched for Cyberpunk in this
Training montage, like I'm some eighties kinda hunk in his
Training montage, I'm tryna get my bicep pump in this
Training montage, don't quite apply to Cyberpunk, but it's a training montage

I'm not a Witcher, but I've got silver in my hand
(Hit the gas and I'm blastin' off)
Now let me take that sixty eight Chevrolet, wish it was a Pontiac Trans Am
(I feel like I'm Hasselhoff)
Let's Rage Against The Machine, ask what would Johnny do?
Even though that's not his real name we all know it's Kianu
He's so breathtaking, lifting weights as if his name was Rocky
Delayed release dates will never stop me
This cityscape is breathing, I cannot believe my eyes
I've traveled eight years to see her, through smoke and laser lights
My once wondrous imagination I thought long ago died
But CD Project Red you've brought said wonder back to life
I'll practice patience cuz after all you got ray tracin'
With steeples skies a scraping, her streets are never vacant
She's amazin', well worth the waitin', now back to

Training montage, I'm fuckin' hyped for Cyberpunk in this
Training montage, like I'm some eighties kinda hunk in his
Training montage, I'm tryna get my bicep pump in this
Training montage, cuz after all what's Cyberpunk without a
Sexy montage, that's me and someone just as hot
In my sexy montage, even if she's an NPC
Back to training montage, that's me benching three plates like nothing
Because I wanna and I'm not stopping cuz I been punk as common

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