Michael Jackson - Ready 2 Win Lyrics (ft. James Porte)

Ready 2 Win Lyrics by Michael Jackson Ft. James Porte

Do we have what it takes
To change the world into a better place
Do we have what it takes
To change the tears into a smile in all youth faces

Are we ready
2 win this war
Are we ready
2 win and left it all behind our shoulders

Are we ready
2 win and save the world
Are we ready
2 win and make the miracle happen
(Once again)

Are you ready
Ready 2 win
It's the money and the fame
Against the heavy-weight championship
The king (of pop) versus nobody but who you are
Are you seriously
Gonna meet me (at the ring)
It's up to you how does this all end
Are you ready
Ready 2 win

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Michael Jackson - Ready 2 Win Lyrics (ft. James Porte)
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